Saturday, July 28, 2012

When Other Birds Are Still...The Screech Owl Takes Up The Strain

This signature line from this blog is from the lead sentence of an extended meditation on the sounds of Screech Owls in Thoreau's Walden.. Thoreau's take on the Screech Owl's calls was decidedly melancholy. He spent a lot of time in the woods with them, but he didn't have the advantage of cameras and microphones inside the nest box! I've been remiss in presenting at least a few samples of the vocalizations of the Screech Owl parents. They produce an amazing diversity of calls with a wide range of nuance. Far from being melancholy - Two quick samples:  

This is a recording from March 12th of the male Screech Owl attracting the female to our (his) nest box that he has claimed and defended.  He does a great horse imitation in addition to the traditional strong "trilling" - who could resist. The first egg was laid the next night.

Mrs. Screech Owl was in an unusually vocal mood on April 23rd - the 3 baby owlets can be heard weakly chirping. They were still quite small and being shielded by the mother. She went on for quite a time this night, perhaps imprinting her calls on the baby owlets.

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