Sharing Stories of Birds and Nature In The Backyard...and Beyond. Adventure Is As Near As Your Backyard!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bull Elk Bugles, Grunts and Monkey Sounds
Bull Elk Bugles, Grunts and Monkey Sounds
The Elk Rut is on for 2019 and big Bull Elk are starting to bugle, grunt and make other wild sounds in addition to scratching trees and rocks and logs and other such displays of macho- ness. Note the Blue Jays alarming on the Elk, The woods are so thick and steep that we can only get a glimpse of the bull making the noise but in the close confines of a little stream valley the sound is really intense. Enjoy!
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Bull Elk Bugles, Grunts and Monkey Sounds
Bull Elk Bugles,
Grunts and Monkey Sounds
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Chickadees Real "Chick-A-Dee" Call
Chickadees Real "Chick-A-Dee" Call
A Chickadee really calls "Chick-a-dee" I very rarely hear this clear exact call of the bird's name and the only reason I caught this one is it was on a Clobo Trail Camera which has exceptional sound quality. Chickadees make a variety of calls that you will hear also hear on the video captured over several minutes. This 4,000 foot high area of the Great Smoky Mountains is one of the few places were the range of the Black Capped and Carolina Chickadees overlap and we get some unusual sounds sometimes compared to the traditional "Chick-A-Dee-Dee-Dee that most are familiar with. There are sometimes hybrid Chickadees although these appear to be Carolina Chickadees making this call.
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Saturday, September 21, 2019
Cute Elk Calf Tries to Eat First Apple
Precious young elk calf about 4 months old tries to eat a big red delicious apple with the cutest results and expression - stick to grass and tree leaves for now! Just like deer fawns elk calves have white spots when they are young.
Filmed with Canon SX60HS
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Red Squirrel vs. Gray Squirrel
Red Squirrel vs. Gray Squirrel
Who wins the feeder fight, the bigger Gray Squirrel or much smaller Red Squirrel? If you've been following this channel over the years you will no doubt pick correctly. Red squirrels don't take bluffs and false charges by Gray Squirrels kindly and will launch themselves with reckless abandon even high in the trees to intimidate. This one barely hangs on by a claw and then recovers to get the spoils. See for an example of two red squirrels going at it high in the trees. Note the Chipmunk wisely just stays out of the way.
What is surprising is that in the UK where Gray Squirrels were introduced they have a tendency to dominate the native Red Squirrels and take over their territory. Perhaps the red squirrels there had evolved to be more passive due to lack of competition and are more easily intimidated.
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#MyBackyardBirding #redsquirrel #graysquirrel
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird
A female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stands guard over one of the nectar feeders. Unusual in that a male has not forced her out, but I have 3 feeders to try and reduce fighting, and the females can hold their own. They tend to be a little bigger with a longer bill, a white flecked throat and, most obviously, white at the tips of their tail feathers. You'll hear the soothing sounds of a Mourning Dove at the beginning and the sweet chirp of American Goldfinches after about the 2-minute mark.
Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:
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#MyBackyardBirding #Hummingbird #Rubythroatedhummingbird
Monday, September 16, 2019
One-Eyed Stray Cat Versus Raccoon
A new stray cat showed up with one eye - we've taking to calling him "one headlight" and have been feeding it with the eventual goal of rescuing it. Its not giving any ground to this young raccoon who rather "hyena-like" keeps circling and looking for an angle to displace the cat from the food rock. As most of you probably guessed the "one headlight" reference is from the Wallflower song of the same name written by Bob Dylan's son. I take it to mean to me a survivor story. "We can make it home on one headlight". Surprising who owns the rock in the end. Its a tough life out there. Trail cameras are great for keeping tabs on your yard after hours!
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Night Music by Kevin MacLeod.
One-Eyed Stray Cat Versus Raccoon
Friday, September 13, 2019
Wild Rabbit Dust Bathing Spa
The Appalachian cottontail rabbits have fashioned a high class rabbit dust bath spa in the Backyard that has become the center of rabbit society where dust baths, exercise and gossip regularly take place. Many animals use dust baths to keep insects at bay and clean their fur.
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Wild Rabbit Dust Bathing Spa
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Pileated Woodpecker and Red Bellied Woodpecker
Catching the morning sun a Red Bellied and Pileated Woodpecker give us a show on the woodpeckers favorite branch high in the big long leaf pine in the Backyard. Watch closely and you'll catch a brief glimpse of the male Pileated on the tree trunk.
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Pileated Woodpecker and Red Bellied Woodpecker
Saturday, September 7, 2019
What Is This Squirrel Doing With This Huge Rock?
This particular Grey Squirrel is obsessed with this large rock and seems to fall under its spell ignoring everything around him. I think I know why and it is the same thing that many humans are addicted to.
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What Is This Squirrel Doing With This Huge Rock?
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Best Hummingbird Feeder is the Cheapest!
Hummingbird migration is underway and they need energy drinks! My Hummingbirds love these First Nature 32oz. feeders, they don't leak, are easy to clean, and amazingly I found that they are made in the USA and sell on Amazon for under $7 each. Go to: where a 2-pack was less than 14 bucks. A good nectar mix is at: I've thrown out all my leaky hard to clean feeders and plan on getting 6 of these feeders to be ready for next year to attract even more hummers and reduce the inevitable fighting. A lot of males were passing through in August in the North Carolina mountains and now in early September there is a recent influx of juveniles and females and still some combative males - Hummingbirds typically stop showing up in early October as they head further south toward Mexico. There is still time to get out some feeders and help them out - they are one of the most enjoyable and interactive of backyard birds.
If you have known ant problems you can get the bundle with ant guards. Enjoy!
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Best Hummingbird Feeder is the Cheapest!
Monday, September 2, 2019
Clobo 20MP Trail Camera Test - Wildlife and Security CAM Review
Great Trail Camera for Backyard Birds, wildlife and security. See what's happening in your Backyard!
Comprehensive test and review of the new Clobo 20MP 1080P Remote Control Game, Trail, Wildlife and Security Camera with triple detection sensors and a 0.2S trigger speed. Includes many real life examples of animal captures.
Available on Amazon
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**Disclosure: Compensation was paid by the seller for testing - all the opinions are my own - the examples speak for themselves.
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Sunday, September 1, 2019
Katydid and Cricket Sounds at Night Late Summer Symphony
New Clobo Trail Camera has excellent sound quality and while capturing animals in action a bonus was this excellent recording of the sounds of Katydids and crickets of the late summer deep forest. Outstanding sound quality and wildlife captures from an affordable trail camera. Crank up the volume it is surprisingly distortion and noise free. Available on Amazon at:
This camera was provided by Clobo for testing - my opinions are my own - the sounds speak for themselves.
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Katydid and Cricket Sounds at Night Late Summer Symphony
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