Thursday, December 31, 2020

Osprey Eating Fish

A magnificent Osprey, sometimes called "Fish Eagle", enjoys some fresh sushi. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Painted Buntings Bathing in Slow Motion

Birds love Backyard bird baths and Painted Buntings are no exception and in this case they had the birdbath all to themselves after a Blue Jay gets a drink. To attract smaller birds like Buntings its best to use smaller birdbaths that aren't too deep - this planter base is the perfect size and depth. Filmed with GoPro Hero 8 on Amazon at: Commission Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Roseate Spoonbill #shorts

Roseate Spoonbill using its long spoon-like bill to find and eat tiny shrimp. That constant diet of shrimp is thought to be why they are pink. One of the most unusual birds in the US it is making a comeback in recent years. Trying out the new YouTube #shorts feature - let me know in the comments if you like this kind of short vertical content meant mostly for smartphones - they are a new way to share short Nature clips in between longer traditional horizontal videos. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Young Northern Cardinal

This plucky young female Northern Cardinal is out and about on her own and making a pretty good account of herself at the plank feeder. Filmed in late summer - it would be a few more months before she transitions to the plumage of an adult cardinal, but the beak is already well on its way from turning very dark to bright orange. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Northern Flicker Woodpecker Mini-Documentary

Yellow Shafted Northern Flickers are woodpeckers that are not too keen on pecking wood - they spend most of their time pecking the earth! They prefer to dig for ants with their unique curved beak and sticky tongue so they are more commonly spotted pecking on the ground. Like all woodpeckers, Flickers nest in cavities in trees and are also some of the loudest "peckers" in the woodpecker family see these videos for example: Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Hand Feeding Pine Siskins in Slow Motion

The last of the Pine Siskin eruption hand feeding filmed in slow motion for fun. Love these little birds! Filmed with GoPro Action Camera on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Bobolinks in the Prairie


Female and young Bobolinks filmed at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge in Nebraska on a very windy day. If you look closely you can see they are feeding on the seed stalks of the prairie grass. They are hard to see in the prairie and pretty hard to film, but a new species on video. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned
🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

Coyote Stalks Prairie Dog Town

Mini Documentary. A coyote is hunting Prairie Dogs for breakfast, but the alarm has been sounded and the town is on high alert by constant alarm calls! Filmed in the Wind Cave National Park of South Dakota in beautiful golden morning light you can see why these animals can blend in with the surroundings so readily. On this morning the coyote came up empty. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned
🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Simple Platform Bird Feeder Works Wonders

A simple 2 foot or so long piece of 2 by 8, 10 or 12 inch pressure treated plank screwed down with a few wood screws on the deck rail and you have yourself a great little platform feeder. I'll be having a few other bird feeding ideas for the holidays in the coming weeks. Filmed with Campark Action Camera on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

Swainsons Thrush Epic Bath

Swainson's Thrushes just love to bath in the little mountain stream! This amazing footage was filmed with my new favorite trail camera the Campark WiFi Trail Camera 20MP on Amazon at: Commision Earned It does especially well with closeups and you'll see a lot more video from the mountain stream in the future. 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two In the Bush - Pine Siskin Irruption

Is " A Bird in the Hand worth Two in the Bush?" you better believe it! Pine Siskin Irruption and hand feeding continued. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

Interesting Facts About Prairie Dogs

10 Fascinating facts about Prairie Dogs and lots of original video of Prairie Dogs taken by me on a recent trip out west. These "squirrels" are irresistible and an important specie for the plains ecosystem.

Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Pine Siskin Irruption Hand Feeding

Another day hanging out with the Pine Siskins! Filmed this with a cell phone and the volume is a little low so you'll have to crank it up high or use headphones if you want to hear. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Florida Squirrels See Northern Nuts For First Time

Florida Squirrels See Hickory Nuts and Walnuts for First Time. I'll tell you a little story about bringing Black Walnuts and Hickory Nuts to Florida from North Carolina to see how the Backyard Squirrels react to nuts they have never experienced before. This footage was filmed with my new favorite trail camera the Campark WiFi Trail Camera 20MP on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Red Squirrel Prepares for Winter

This beautiful film shows a red squirrel stocking up on walnuts and hickory nuts for winter as the autumn leaves fall on the forest floor in the Great Smoky Mountains. Maybe Winter 2020-2021 will be a bad one, but squirrels are always ready.
This footage was filmed with my new favorite trail camera the Campark WiFi Trail Camera 20MP on Amazon at: Commision Earned
🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!
Ways to support this Channel:
🔴 PayPal Donation to:
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🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Rose Breasted Grosbeaks Feast on Devil's Walking Stick Berries

Rose Breasted Grosbeaks and many other birds will feast on an early Autumn bounty of ripe dark purple berries of the Devil's Walking Stick. I have a nice large cluster of these amazing trees in the North Carolina Backyard. They are native plants and quite beneficial although they often establish in newly disturbed areas leading people to falsely believe they are some kind of exotic invasive, but no they are native plants and well known to the Cherokee ( They would make a welcome addition to an eastern US Backyard and quite a conversation piece as they are rarely seen by people in the wild. Birds spread their seeds far and wide. Aralia spinosa, commonly called devil’s walking stick or Hercules club, gets its common name from the stout, sharp spines found on its leaf stalks, stems and branches. This is a large, upright, suckering, deciduous shrub that typically grows to 10-15’ tall, but infrequently grows as a small flat topped tree to as much as 35’ tall. In its native range in the eastern U.S., it is commonly found in wood margins, fields and pastures. It has interesting compound foliage, late summer flowers, juicy black fruit and spiny stems give this shrub distinctive and unique ornamental interest. Sparse, upright, mostly unbranched, club-like branches, ringed with conspicuous leaf scars and spines, are typically naked at the bottom but crowned at the top by umbrella-like canopies of huge compound leaves It has stiff branches at right angles and huge, compound leaves that are the largest in North America. New foliage is bronze changing from yellow to red-orange in the fall. This plant is easy to transplant and makes an excellent addition to a pollinator garden. The bark is gray-brown with persisting prickles and shallow furrows. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise: 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Hand Feeding Pine Siskins

The historic Pine Siskin eruption of Fall 2020 continues! Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Old Faithful Geyser Eruption Attracts Ravens

Old Faithful Geyser eruption at Yellowstone National Park in HD from beginning to end is fascinating and awe inspiring, but what caught my eye was the small flock of ravens hanging around the pools formed by the waters of the famous geyser as it erupted. Watch closely and you'll see one take off and circle the geyser at near the peak of the eruption while others stand nearby below. They then drink the water after its cooled a bit. In between eruptions of course they work the crowds and patrol the grounds and parking lot looking for dropped food and then return for the next eruption. Corvids never fail to intrigue me.
Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:
Commision Earned
🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment!
Ways to support this Channel:
🔴 PayPal Donation to:
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.