Sunday, January 26, 2020

American Crows Calling

This Crow seemed to be trying to tell or ask me something - like give me some breakfast......
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Monday, January 20, 2020

Squirrel Exercises and Trains Like an Elite Athlete – Squirrel Appreciat...

Do wild animals consciously choose to work out or exercise? Surprisingly there is very little research on this topic. I was fortunate to capture this amazing video of a wild red squirrel clearly mentally and physically preparing and training for a future athletic event of escaping a predator from a high feeding station off my deck - the human equivalent of the long jump. But much more than that - just like an elite athlete - the squirrel used planning, foresight and knowledge of natural physics and basic technology to improve his performance by designing a better launching pad, making adjustments, testing, and then adjusting again until reaching peak performance. Enjoy on Squirrel Appreciation Day January 21st, 2020!

Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:
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Friday, January 17, 2020

Red Shouldered Hawk

A close encounter with a stunning juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk in perfect morning light. This is the clearest video i've ever captured of a raptor in the wild. It is checking out the new Backyard bird studio I'm working on so this was a big bonus. More on that soon.
Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:
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Red Shouldered Hawk

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Whitetail Deer on the Florida Prairie - A Meditation

A relaxing close encounter with 3 young whitetail deer at dusk in the Kissimmee River Prairie of south central Florida.
Filmed with Canon SX70HS
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Whitetail Deer on the Florida Prairie -  A Meditation

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thousands of Migrating American Robins Roost in Florida

The iconic American Robin is so familiar in northern lawns in spring and summer when they are breeding, building nests, raising their broods and eating earthworms right in front of us. But did you know they arrive in Florida in winter by the thousands in huge flocks sometimes called a “Round of Robins.
This huge flock arrived at dusk by the thousands and roosted across several acres of pine and palmetto forest in the conservation area behind the Backyard. So large it was impossible to film and the sound was near deafening as I stood below filming in near darkness. This is mostly a feast for the ears! Crank up the volume and/or listen on headphones/earbuds.
I usually get a few flocks of dozens or maybe a few hundred robins in the backyard from late December into early February. To see a sample of the smaller winter Robin flocks check out: and
Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:
Commision Earned
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Thousands of Migrating American Robins Roost in Florida

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Florida's Golden Prairie

You're not in Kansas anymore! Did you know Florida has a vast expanse of prairie. Lake Okeechobee is big, but there is still room for over 185,000 head of cattle in Okeechobee and 50,000 acres of prairie is still preserved in its natural state.
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