Sunday, February 28, 2021

White Pelicans Mini-Documentary

The American White Pelican is one of the largest birds in North America with a wingspan up to 9 1/2 feet. The sight of a large flock of these magnificent birds in the water or soaring in the air is an amazing experience that I share in a short mini-documentary. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Eastern Meadowlark Song and Calls and Bobwhite Quail Song

Headphones recommended for greatest enjoyment. The sounds of an Eastern Meadowlark singing and calling on the prairie and the bonus "Bob White" song of the Northern Bobwhite Quail starts at about 3:20​ and continues until the end of the video. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commission Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Wild Turkey Bachelor Road Racing

A little story of how I get caught up in some male wild Turkey's macho head games and it was a blast! The first week of February is the time when bachelor groups are sorting out dominance to determine the rights to breed – usually in March in Florida. You can see 4 males have bright red heads and one has bright white – indicating he is the most hyped up on male hormones. A fun encounter with a Black Vulture a few years ago:​ Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commission Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Common Ground Dove Song

The gentle coo singing of the Common Ground Dove, the smallest of the Doves in the US. This is the first time I've documented this dove on video and audio. This was taken in the wild, Ground Doves have not yet visited the Florida Backyard. Like other doves their cooing is done by expanding their chests and expelling air through their nostrils. Of course the irony is this "Ground Dove" is actually in a tree. Both males and females make a repeated, high-pitched coo, heard year-round at all hours of the day. Each sequence of coos contains 1–13 rising notes, and a sequence may be repeated 4–5 times per minute for many minutes on end. Ground-doves use variations of this song while courting, while waiting for a mate to return, and when flushing from a nest. A dove the size of a sparrow, the Common Ground-Dove forages in dusty open areas, sometimes overshadowed by the grass clumps it is feeding beneath. Its dusty plumage is easy to overlook until the bird springs into flight with a soft rattling of feathers and a flash of reddish-brown in the wings. These small, attractive doves are common across the southernmost parts of the U.S. from California to Florida. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pileated Woodpeckers Mini-Documentary

A short story of a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that have been spending quality time in the Backyard. One day maybe they will nest in the big old pines out back. Always exciting to see these big outrageous woodpeckers. When you hear that loud wood chopping sound you know they are in a nearby tree. No other woodpecker makes a sound quite like that. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Injured Crow and Patient Squirrel Get Along Just Fine

A Crow with a badly injured leg stops at the mountain feeder covered with a suet and sunflower seed mix and has a much needed energy boost while a considerate Gray Squirrel, usually not known for patience and decorum, politely gives way and keeps an eye on the crow until it leaves. The Great Backyard Bird Count is on From today February 12th through the 15th - info at:​ Filmed with Campark WiFi Bluetooth Trail Camera on Amazon at:​ Commission Earned. 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Free Range Cow Staring Contest

Looking for birds and found a special cow! An encounter with a lone Florida Cracker Cow that range freely in remote parts of central Florida on a recent birding bike ride leads to a classic staring contest. I love these rare cows that are direct descendants of the ones brought over by Spanish settlers. I have no idea why this cow was all alone. This rural area was sparsely populated during the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, this area south of Orlando was the only place east of the Mississippi where the population density was less than two people per square mile. An extended video of a full herd encounter a few years ago is at:​ Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Red Shouldered Hawks Mating

Red Shouldered Hawks mating on top of an isolated dead Palmetto Tree in perfect morning light out on the Florida Prairie. The actual act lasts only a few seconds, but apparently a lot of thoughtful posing goes on before and after. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Squirrel Wrestling Match

Entertaining wrestling "horseplay" between two siblings with lots of energy from last Fall's generation of young squirrels. Right now (early February) at least two mother squirrels have new babies in their nest and they are over by me eating breakfast while these two have more important things to do than eat. Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at:​ Commision Earned 🔴 New HD videos uploaded weekly. If you enjoy the videos please subscribe, ring the bell to get all channel upload notifications, like, and comment! Ways to support this Channel: 🔴 PayPal Donation to: 🔴 MBYB Merchandise:​ 🔴Backyard Birder's AMAZON shop:​ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A small portion of each sale goes toward supporting the Backyard without increasing costs to you.