Sunday, March 24, 2013

Owls Stealing Hats in Victoria British Columbia Park

Interesting story out of Victoria BC. Apparently a Barred Owl(s) has taken up the habit of snatching the hats off of people in Beacon Hill Park. The owls have snatched at least three hats and attempted to pilfer more. They seem to take particular umbrage with joggers wearing wool caps or headphones. The Times Colonist has been covering this continuing story and fortunately the decision has been made to let the owls be owls thus far - it is a park for nature after-all. 

There was a similar story in Seattle of owls attacking joggers and stealing hats back in 2008 and a birding expert came up with one theory that young owls learning their trade were confusing fuzzy hats, ponytails and headphones as prey while honing their hunting skills. A quick search of Google images for "hat stealing owl" will show you just how many types of owl-themed stocking hats people make or sell, pretty amazing. Perhaps turn-about is fair play!

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