Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Transformer Screech Owls Have Returned to the Nest Box!

Video from tonight, March 7th - Female Screech Owl is Readying the Nest for the Eggs

The same super-talented Screech Owl Couple from last year have returned to the nest box!

Game on! We've been expecting the return of the Eastern Screech Owls for several weeks and the female was in the nest box this evening arranging the wood chips to her liking. She and the male have likely been courting for some time and she will likely lay the first egg in the next day or two. She showed up on March 8th last year and March 7th this year. The next two months are going to be busy! We are very careful to not disturb them, pass near the nest box or make eye contact or noise nearby until she starts laying eggs. It is likely they are already committed to the nest box, but we don't want to disturb them until the eggs are laid and they start settling into a routine - but the nest box camera will be rolling in the days to come!


  1. I can't wait to see more! I love them so!
